Funny Bunny

Top 20 Funniest Penis Euphemisms

Top 20 Funniest Penis Euphemisms

Beyond the personal nicknames men often assign to their penis, we found a bunch of pretty funny ways people refer to the male genitalia. Beyond the...

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Dear Funny Bunny: Sex Toy Party

Dear Funny Bunny: Sex Toy Party

Dear Funny Bunny, I was reading one of your stories, and it made me think about a funny, sort of sex-related story of my own and wanted to share. ...

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Dear Funny Bunny: 1st Time Anal

Dear Funny Bunny: 1st Time Anal

I'm a pretty vanilla guy, so I never really thought I'd be penning one of these letters. I'm used to perfunctory missionary sex that does its job f...

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10 Ways To Ruin an Orgasm

10 Ways To Ruin an Orgasm

Everybody loves an orgasm. That’s why it’s so annoying when an orgasm is ruined. It can be your fault or the fault of your partner, but you can’t h...

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